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  /    /  Player vs Activity, Player vs Player  /  TOURNAMENT PVP




Hello guys, is time to present my tournament PVP, one of the best product from this website.
We’ve identified areas where PvP rewards could be more satisfying. Along the way, we made a hot tournament PVP.
The tournament has 3 categories, each of them has a special limited registration and a special time it starts and ends.
The tournament runs automatically every day.

Types of the category are as follows (all is configurable very easy!):

CategoryNeed level (Min-Max)Start – End Time
Low ( 30 – 55 ) ( 02:10 – 02:40)
Medium ( 55 – 80 )( 15:30 – 16:00 )
Hard( 80-105 )( 18:30 – 19:00 )


Ok, now start with real information:


Each player will have an active quest on the left side of the screen where he can enter the map when he wants.
He will be here in observer mode all the time and will be added surveillance zones of the map, exactly at the top.

  • You can register only in the category you belong to, namely the level limit set.
  • Each category begins and ends at the time specified above.
  • Players can register even if the tournament is already underway, they will be registered for the next round.
  • You can delete your registration from the tournament if you don’t want to participate (maybe some problems, you need to go from pc, etc.)
  • All registered players statistics for each category are displayed.
  • All information about the hour and the minute you start each category you can find in the category of information for the specific color.
  • You can not register more than once.

You cannot use in tournament map this:

  • Duel, Party, Ring marriage, Poly, Mount, Horse.
  • share/locale/poland/tournament_forbidden_items.txt – Add all items that you want to can’t use.

What about the tournament, how it works, what is with team red and blue?

The tournament is structured as follows:

  • * That means value/ 2 for every team.
  • * If you put 20 will be 10 players vs 10 players.


So, now is time 01:50 yes? Category Low is started on 02:10, in order to start the tournament with category low it must exist (X) players registered.
He checks all registers from category low, and check if exist (X) players registered, if they are online and if they are on the map if there is no category low it will not start and will continue to the next category (medium, which will be starting on another time).

Ok, but we have now 50 players registered yes? what happens, how it will work?

  • The tournament will select from registers just (X) players and divide them RANDOM, in 2 teams (red and blue).
  • So if category low has 50 registers (example) he will take from all 50 registers, 20 players random, and put them in 2 teams, which means 10 in team red and 10 in team blue.
  • After the tournament start and you were selected to participate you will be removed from the registers list.
  • If you weren’t selected to participate, your registration will be still active on the list, it isn’t important if the category already started, you will remain for the next round on this category.

Ok, what happens with players if they are from another empire and not the same etc?

  • This is the best part of this tournament, is not important what empire you are all types of attack mode, check’s, visual effects are disabled when the tournament is active.

Ok, now you understand how it’s working with registers and time? Now is time to speak about the fight.

I put just for example in config (2 vs 2), all is configurable.

  • As you can see, each player has changed color with the color name that belongs to his team, red or blue.
  • Team Red: Dominic and Work
  • Team Blue: [DEV]VegaS and TestSkill

I’m Dominic which means I’m from team red, you can see my color red from my name.
I can’t attack my partener/s, I can attack just members from team blue and fuck their ass.
Every player has 3 lifes, you can see your life in the top part of the GUI window (see details in photo).

You can’t attack your teammates, just the enemy team. All PVP options are disabled while you are in the tournament.
When you will be killed by the enemy team, your lifes will start to drop, each player has 3 lifes, after exhausting them you will be eliminated from the tournament.

When you are killed you will be respawned on the start location where you start your team.
If you disconnect while you are in the tournament, you will be eliminated and your team will get a +1 dead player.

What happens if the enemy team disconnect?

  • That means the enemy team score will take like (x deads), which means you will win.

What happens if my team is killed by the enemy team and time didn’t pass?

  • That means you need to stay on the map and wait for the time to finish, if you will disconnect nobody will win because the tournament won’t find the winners.

What happens if both teams disconnect from the tournament?

  • That means nobody will win.

What is the prize for the team that wins?

  • Every player from the team who wins will receive this box.
  • You can’t open the box if you don’t have enough space in inventory.
  • All items are configurable in one list, you can put what you want, tickets coins, upgrade items, goldbars, etc.

You can add as many items as you want.



Exist some logs or something that can know who wins and when etc?

  • Yes, I made all logs with all winners that won to save them in one file: share/locale/poland/tournament_forbidden_items.txt


Exist some logs or something with all players statics points what they kill?

  • Yes, I made a table with ranking points, what that means? There will be all your kills what you did in all tournaments.
  • Why I did that? Maybe you want to show total points kills for every people like a ranking on the website.
  • You can disable/enable via config if you want or not.

I can make some money real with this tournament?

  • Yes, you can do it, because I did a special thing for that, you can put an item shop or in other place or where you want to drop on the boss, stones, etc.

  • This item will give you +2 (configurable) lifes in the tournament, which means you will have 5 lifes and the rest of people 3 (default)
  • These increase life not will be for all time, just for 10 times (configurable).
  • You cannot use another item like this to increase again life if not expired the 10 times (configurable).
  • If you want to increase life you need to do that before being on the tournament map.

Some settings from the tournament:

  • TOURNAMENT_ADD_EXTRA_LIVES = 2 (Here you add how many bonus life you want to add when he uses the special item to increase them).
  • TOURNAMENT_CAN_USED_MAX_EXTRA_LIVES = 10 (Here you change how many times the player is able to have the extra lives).
  • TOURNAMENT_MAX_LIVES = 3 (Here you can change the lifes default for all players).

Need to be number which can be divided by 2 like:

  • 4 / 2 = 2 vs 2
  • 8 / 2 = 4 vs 4
  • 16 / 2 = 8 vs 8
  • 50 / 2 = 25 vs 25
  • 100 / 2 = 50 vs 50
  • etc…

Change timer for each category:


Change setting level for each category:


Change notice timer:


Block some days from week to cannot run tournament:


  • Everything is written in C++, full optimized code and clean.
  • There are no bugs, exploits, or other things.
  • All translations are made from a special table that can be configured very easily because there are indications for what each makes.
  • All are run automatically, you don’t need anything to start.
  • Included full maps, PSD, etc
  • Working time: 25 days.
  • PS: (Watch the full video from start to end, to understand how it works)

Good news for p-servers and owners!
In the last years, over one hundred people asked me if they can hire me to be their developer and I refused them because I was really busy, mostly with my university, full-time job, and other activities.
Now, after over 10 years of activity in metin2 and over 4 years in companies as a Software Developer and recently advanced to Senior, I managed to organize my time and tasks really efficiently, and I'm pleased to announce that:

Since today, I'll give the chance to owners to hire me!

My defining characteristics:

  • Mainly focused on Python and C/C++ with years of real experience, but I can code in multiple languages.
  • Excellent communication skills and a good understanding of problems and requirements, with the ability to work as part of a diverse team.
  • Ability to manage and plan in a fast-paced, team-focused environment, ability to manage time effectively and prioritize tasks.
  • Flexible and resilient when it comes to stressful situations.
  • Detail-oriented, organized, meticulous, and able to work at a fact-pace with tight deadlines.
  • For more information related to my educational and professional experience, you can find them here (click).

You must have (a few steps can be done together later):

  • good english skills for communicating with voice and text
  • an application for project management like Trello, Jira, Azure DevOps, YouTrack, that will boost productivity
  • minimum knowledge-based on talking technical, expressing with clear words what you need, describing the tasks with information like scenarios, attaching photos, drawing different things for structures when it's related to a complex thing, and more
  • GIT repository with your files
  • Microsoft Teams for team meetings, they will be scheduled inside that app, there you have a calendar, activities, and a lot of stuff for boosting productivity, everything will be scheduled based on our time, excluding the urgent situations
  • you must be a friendly, patient person and understand the principle of my personal life as well.

Payment (the conditions are customizable for each person):

  • The owner must have its own budget because it will be a fixed monthly salary.
  • The payment will be done through my company, you'll receive an invoice for each payment.

For more information, contact me: https://core-projects.dev/contact-me/

Please don't contact me just for information if you're not sure what you want to do and you're not prepared for this.