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  /    /  Player tools  /  MANAGEMENT BANK



The Bank has the following facilities:

  • Create an account
  • Login to account
  • Add money
  • Withdraw money
  • Send money
  • Change password

Date and time are taken in real-time server, you must have time to FreeBSD updated in real-time, it can test the console ssh “data”.
Everything communicates with a packet and everything is written in C++.
It is compatible with any version of the source.



The Bank has the following facilities:

  • Create an account
  • Login to account
  • Add money
  • Withdraw money
  • Send money
  • Change password

1. Create an account:

  • The length of characters allowed for the account name is 12 characters (as with login).
  • Characters allowed for password length is 4 characters.
  • You can generate a random password automatically in case you have not a good idea for a password, for security on your account we advise you to generate a random password, but take great care not to forget your password, so you have to contact the server team.
  • You can not create an account that already exists with that name.
  • You can not enter special symbols in both the account name and password.
  • Account name and password accept any type of data, such as numbers and letters.

2. Login on account :

Timeout for logging into your account is a timer for 3 sec.
The password will be secret in the edit window.
During logging can detect the following:

  • Connection success
  • Connection Failed: The account name is wrong.
  • Connection Failed: The password is wrong.

3.  Add money :

  • You can not enter a smaller amount than 1.
  • You can not enter an amount less than or greater than that on the inventory.
  • You can enter up to 10 numbers. (Ex: 1999999999) can change.

4. Withdraw money:

  • You can not enter a smaller amount than 1.
  • You can not enter an amount less than or greater than that of the bank.
  • You can not withdraw an amount from the bank that exceeds the maximum limit of the server, for example, if you have in the inventory 1.3kkk, you can withdraw from the bank only 700kk, because GOLD_MAX = 2kkk.
  • You can enter up to 10 numbers. (Ex: 1999999999) can change.

5. Send money:

  • You can not send money to an account that doesn’t exist in the database.
  • You can not send a smaller amount than 1.
  • You can not send a larger amount of deposit than the banks.

To transfer money from one account to another you need the account name asks that person to do that.

  • An example conversation:
  • A: Hello, I am your brother, send me 444 Yang, please.
  • B: Ok bro, give me your name account from the bank for can do this.
  • A: Here is my account name from the bank: girl123
  • B: Done, already send you 444 Yang, please check your account and you will see it in the logs. My name account is vegas123, check and you will see.

6. Change password:

  • The new password must have a maximum of 4 characters.
  • The new password must be the same as repeating the password field of safety.
  • You can not put the same password as current.


  • Old Password: psw8
  • New Password: psw8
  • It is not allowed entry the same as the old password.

Other information:

For every action that you take in your bank account logs exist, such as:

Time action was taken.
The time when the action was taken.
The action that was taken.
Ip from who made the action.
To / From whom you received, or sending money to another bank account.
Amount sent or received.

  • For every action there is a set time to run once the action 10 seconds, which means you can not withdraw / etc add money to your account within 10 seconds, you have to wait for each action separately this time.
  • You can’t connect to another account if you don’t have the account name and its password.
  • You can’t enter characters that go to exploit.
  • You can’t enter the account name and truncate or drop etc.
  • Logs are displayed depending on the new date, which means that the latest logs will always be displayed first.
  • When you receive money from another person (another account) IP will be removed. (Why this? Because we do not want players to have the chance to learn the real IP of a player, you can see only the IP for your action.)
  • Every action has a special type with a separate color.
  • Everything is in real-time.
  • Causes no problems in server functions that communicate with the database.
  • Date and time are taken in real-time server, you must have time to FreeBSD updated in real-time, it can test the console ssh “data”. How to change date and Timezone
  • The maximum limit for logs is 1,000 logs which are set to 40 pages.
  • Everything communicates with a packet and everything is written in C++.
  • It is compatible with any version of the source.

Good news for p-servers and owners!
In the last years, over one hundred people asked me if they can hire me to be their developer and I refused them because I was really busy, mostly with my university, full-time job, and other activities.
Now, after over 10 years of activity in metin2 and over 4 years in companies as a Software Developer and recently advanced to Senior, I managed to organize my time and tasks really efficiently, and I'm pleased to announce that:

Since today, I'll give the chance to owners to hire me!

My defining characteristics:

  • Mainly focused on Python and C/C++ with years of real experience, but I can code in multiple languages.
  • Excellent communication skills and a good understanding of problems and requirements, with the ability to work as part of a diverse team.
  • Ability to manage and plan in a fast-paced, team-focused environment, ability to manage time effectively and prioritize tasks.
  • Flexible and resilient when it comes to stressful situations.
  • Detail-oriented, organized, meticulous, and able to work at a fact-pace with tight deadlines.
  • For more information related to my educational and professional experience, you can find them here (click).

You must have (a few steps can be done together later):

  • good english skills for communicating with voice and text
  • an application for project management like Trello, Jira, Azure DevOps, YouTrack, that will boost productivity
  • minimum knowledge-based on talking technical, expressing with clear words what you need, describing the tasks with information like scenarios, attaching photos, drawing different things for structures when it's related to a complex thing, and more
  • GIT repository with your files
  • Microsoft Teams for team meetings, they will be scheduled inside that app, there you have a calendar, activities, and a lot of stuff for boosting productivity, everything will be scheduled based on our time, excluding the urgent situations
  • you must be a friendly, patient person and understand the principle of my personal life as well.

Payment (the conditions are customizable for each person):

  • The owner must have its own budget because it will be a fixed monthly salary.
  • The payment will be done through my company, you'll receive an invoice for each payment.

For more information, contact me: https://core-projects.dev/contact-me/

Please don't contact me just for information if you're not sure what you want to do and you're not prepared for this.