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  /    /  Player vs Activity, Player vs Player  /  COMBAT ZONE



The Combat Zone is a map available from level 50, where players can take full advantage of the PvP functionality of Metin2, sneaking in a kind of “all vs all.”
By killing other players, your character will earn Battle Points, with which will get prizes and appear in a special weekly ranking system.



The Combat Zone is a map available from level 50, where players can take full advantage of the PvP functionality of Metin2, sneaking in a kind of “all vs all.”
By killing other players, your character will earn Battle Points, with which will get prizes and appear in a special weekly ranking system.

How can I enter a Combat Zone?

– Click on this letter and a Combat Zone menu will appear that contains important information that should be read. On the bottom right is a button to enter the Combat Zone. Accessing this button will take you to a Combat Zone in 3 sec.
– The War Zone is open several times a day, opening times can be viewed at the left part of the window, all are configurable from serverside.
– Entering the battle area is behind the “B” button at the bottom left of the minimap.
– Available from level 50.
– You can not request access to the Combat Zone in a dungeon.
– You can access the map only during the specified opening times.
– Within the zone, the spawn spot is generated randomly.
– You have to wait 10 minutes from the last entry into the combat zone.


– Here exist 2 types of ranking table, weekly and general (all time) with top 10 players who have more points, the last slot (slot 11) is the slot for you, there you can see your ranking position (in my case I am on position 20 in the rank).
– Here you can see the position of rank 1-10, name, kingdom, points collected.
– In the left part you have the table with information, opening and finish time for each day, they are updated each time they are modified in the server, and the time when the combat zones start and stop is the server time (FreeBSD).
– At the bottom of the window you can see the actual real points you can use in the shop.
– In the middle below you can see the status of the gates to the combat zones, when turned on or off depending on the time zone shown in the table, will be updated in real-time when the letter B in the mini-map is flashing.

How can I request a battle potion?
A powerful potion that increases your attack and defense points and bolsters you with +50,000 hit points (only in the Combat Zone map ).
On the right side you will be able to ask the system for 3 potions once every 6 hours, but each time you have to kill 100 random monsters, the time elapsed until the next request can be seen in the window, as well as the current monsters killed and the maximum limit.

How is working the ranking?

  • When you leave the combat zone and you are saved, the automatic points will be updated, both weekly and general rankings, and will be sorted in descending order from highest to lowest, the top 10 rankings
  • Rankings are calculated differently: Points accumulated when you left the combat zone + current points in rank, this means that you will always update your rank every time you have participated in combat zones and you managed to save your points.
  • The weekly score will be reset at midnight every seven days like Sunday on hour 00:00:00, automatically.

  • The top three ranked players will receive a medal that appears above the character, and this will indicate the rank achieved, in the absence of 3 players that week no one will receive any rank.
  • Every week there are 3 players who will receive the medal, and each other the last 3 will be given the right to the medal and will be given the other 3 new ones.
  • The size of the medal is scaled by the camera position.

How can I get points?

  • The only thing you have to remember is that everyone is there to hunt you.
  • When you kill another player you will get point, if you kill the same player in less than 5 minutes, you will not get any points.
  • When you kill a player who has announced his withdrawal, you will receive points, but checking for the last killing based on time will exist.

What happens if I die?

  • If you die in a Combat Zone, you need to know that you will lose half of the accumulated battle points, the low points will be rounded down, if you have 5 accumulated points, you will stay 2 points after you die.
  • The more you die in a Combat Zone, the longer the resurrection time is.
  • The waiting time for restart is’ 10 seconds ‘, which rises by 5 seconds whenever the character is killed within the map, up to a maximum of 30 seconds.

– Restart here, the player will be resurrected in the same place, you will resurrect with 50% hp points.
– Restart in town, the player is resurrected in a random location, you will resurrect with 100% hp points.
– Reincarnation, if patience is not one of your strengths you can use the

Reincarnation object to resurrect instantly, this item can be obtained from Guardian Combat Zone, you will resurrect with 100% hp points.

How can I leave a Combat Zone and save my battle points?

You can leave the War Zone anytime. But this depends on whether or not you have accumulated battle points:
No Battle Points:

  • You can leave the War Zone immediately by tapping the symbol on the edge of the small map.

Under 5 Battle Points:

  • If a player who has announced his withdrawal from the War Zone is killed and falls below 5 points of battle, he may leave the War Zone in 15 seconds. It does not have to be revived.

With battle points:

    • You can leave the War Zone immediately by tapping the symbol on the edge of the small map. As soon as you do that, an arrow above your head will mark you while you wait to leave the War Zone.
    • Any player who will kill you during this time will accumulate battle points.
    • Will suffer a reduction of Movement Speed and set to max 100.
    • Your job is to survive another 2 minutes in the War Zone and get rid of the intact battle points.
    • If you die in the 2 minutes, your retreat from the War Zone will be interrupted and you will lose 50% of the battle points.
    • After that, you will be able to announce your withdrawal again from the War Zone.
    • If you try to leave the War Zone by tapping Change Character, Closing the Client, or using other means, you will automatically lose all battle points.
  • When remaining 15 seconds from waiting withdrawal (2 min) will start a countdown timer that will teleport you and save the battle points into combat points.


Why I can’t write or read anything in the Combat Zone?
These features are blocked in the combat zone because it makes the action much more exciting, these configurations can be disabled / enabled from config.

  • Name, level, alignment, guild, empire flag, target name on the minimap by pos, target menu.
  • Can’t use an emoticon, duel, party, exchange, whisper (message), chat.

Can I have chances against level 105+ players at level 50?

    • Yes, every level 50 character may have a chance against high-level players.
    • Before joining, finish the mission in the ranking window that gives you 3 special drops after finishing. The potions can only be used in the Combat Zone. They will increase your hit points and balance attack values.

    • All players’ skills are set to ‘Perfect Master’ in the Combat Zone.
    • All players will receive a bonus defense calculated by a special algorithm by level, the min-max values can be changed too, these are just examples level.
50+ 350
60+ 290
70+ 230
80+ 170
85+ 140
90+ 110
95+ 80
105+ 10
120+ 0

What do I need for battle points?

The number of points gathered can be seen at the GuardianCombat Zone store:



Joan620, 580
Pyungmoo371, 703
Yongan665, 634
  • From the Guardian, you can change the battle points earned in the War Zone on different objects:
  • You can only use 100 points a day, every day at 00:00 the limit is reset to 0 and you can buy items from the shop again.


  • These may contain armor, weapons, accessories, Mysterious Cage, and more.
  • Some boxes allow you to open them several times.

Admin information:

  • Everything is written in C++, full clean and optimized code(this is one of the most complex systems from official and there are big stuff)
  • The structure is full like official just with some changes from my ideas.
  • There are no bugs, exploits, or other things.
  • All translation is made from a special table that can be configured very easily because there are indications of what each does.
  • All are run automatically, you need nothing to start or etc, he runs alone, stops alone, reset alone all automatically.
  • Full tables for configs, all that you want, every setting for the system, with an explanation for each one on what it does.
  • The official structure has hidden information of the user, block whisper, chat on cz map, there is a define too for enabling/disabling if you want that or not.
  • The cache skills are just for the max 6 skills, if you have skill 7 & 8 he not will get perfect master for them.
  • Special option if you want to give points to other people.
  • Special option if you want to reset the limit shop for a special player.
  • Algorithm bonus defense has an example of c++ code on how it’s working, you can execute and do tests by yourself on one website that supports compiling.
  • There are a lot of defines that you can enable or disable, that depends on your server gameplay too.
  • The time configuration is based on the server-side, automatically when the time is in the range of settings it will start or end combat zone, you need to have datetime set correctly on FreeBSD for everything to work properly.
  • You can show the ranking on your web page too.
  • A lot of features will come like: mode observers, how many players participate, statistics of battle points for each player, how many deaths have everyone, and a lot of stuff.
MONDAY18:00 – 21:00 Uhr
TUESDAY18:00 – 21:00 Uhr
WEDNESDAY19:00 – 22:00 Uhr
THURSDAY19:00 – 22:00 Uhr
FRIDAY19:00 – 22:00 Uhr
SATURDAY22:00 – 23:00 Uhr
SUNDAY22:00 – 23:00 Uhr

Product price:

  • 350 – Normal price (under 6 months)
  • 300 – Old customers (old customers are those who work with me for over 6 months)

Good news for p-servers and owners!
In the last years, over one hundred people asked me if they can hire me to be their developer and I refused them because I was really busy, mostly with my university, full-time job, and other activities.
Now, after over 10 years of activity in metin2 and over 4 years in companies as a Software Developer and recently advanced to Senior, I managed to organize my time and tasks really efficiently, and I'm pleased to announce that:

Since today, I'll give the chance to owners to hire me!

My defining characteristics:

  • Mainly focused on Python and C/C++ with years of real experience, but I can code in multiple languages.
  • Excellent communication skills and a good understanding of problems and requirements, with the ability to work as part of a diverse team.
  • Ability to manage and plan in a fast-paced, team-focused environment, ability to manage time effectively and prioritize tasks.
  • Flexible and resilient when it comes to stressful situations.
  • Detail-oriented, organized, meticulous, and able to work at a fact-pace with tight deadlines.
  • For more information related to my educational and professional experience, you can find them here (click).

You must have (a few steps can be done together later):

  • good english skills for communicating with voice and text
  • an application for project management like Trello, Jira, Azure DevOps, YouTrack, that will boost productivity
  • minimum knowledge-based on talking technical, expressing with clear words what you need, describing the tasks with information like scenarios, attaching photos, drawing different things for structures when it's related to a complex thing, and more
  • GIT repository with your files
  • Microsoft Teams for team meetings, they will be scheduled inside that app, there you have a calendar, activities, and a lot of stuff for boosting productivity, everything will be scheduled based on our time, excluding the urgent situations
  • you must be a friendly, patient person and understand the principle of my personal life as well.

Payment (the conditions are customizable for each person):

  • The owner must have its own budget because it will be a fixed monthly salary.
  • The payment will be done through my company, you'll receive an invoice for each payment.

For more information, contact me: https://core-projects.dev/contact-me/

Please don't contact me just for information if you're not sure what you want to do and you're not prepared for this.