Ox Event Manager: Timeout for logging into event manager is a timer for 3 sec. The password is static and you can change it very easily from the define, only staff members who have a password from admin can do that. During logging can detect the following: - Connection success
- Connection Failed: The password is wrong.
- You are not on the map of the event.
- Wrong permission, not member staff.
– Display of total participants and observers in a real-time update. (Does not use MySQL or other shit) Opening event: - Oxquiz.lua checks if the file is compatible with reading.
- Check that action is already open in the event status.
Closing doors: - Check if the event is open.
- Check that somehow there is another ongoing action status.
Ask a question: - Check the number of questions from the list.
- Check that no further action started in the event.
End event: - Check that there is only one participant left alone and if there are then automatically notify you that he was the winner of the game and you can add in the top 5 in real-time.
- It initiates automatic shutdown in 15 seconds and teleports all players.
- Check whether there is another ongoing action as a question is ongoing etc.
The closing: - This option is just an emergency for the total cancellation of the event, which means that you automatically teleport players and the event will close and there will be no winner.
Give rewards for players: - You can search by item’s name and they will be cataloged automatically after the vnum list is taken from binary.
- You can add the number of counts reward.
- You can not enter a number greater than 200 (default) counts.
- Check if the item exists in the database.
- Check if the item you entered is stackable and may contain several counts.
- You can not give an award while the event is closed, runs a question, or doors are not closed.
- The reward is only for participants.
- When you give a reward to participants the following message will appear in chat and all players can view the item received and the type of description by clicking on it.
- Configurations for waiting time and rest can easily change a configuration table with directions to any person.
- It can make any changes at the request of each customer if they want to add or remove anything.
- Everything is written in C ++ (Client / Server Packet) and Python. (remove quest)
- There is no problem of harm to a server or database, just winners on finish event are saved on the database, 1 query.
- All the action is in real-time.
- there are no bugs, exploits, or other things.
- All translation is made from a special table that can be configured very easily because there are indications for each makes.