When you enter the server the first time you will be shown in the box first degree of biological research biologist Lv.30 ie, not to send items to you until you do this biologist level 30.
– This box can be closed-open all the time.
– When you send an item you need for the counter, the analysis will increase by +1 and will be eg 1/10, which means that 1 is the actual value of objects that were successfully retrieved for analysis and 10 is the maximum number of objects that should be sent to complete the picture being lv.30 research.
– When you finished all levels of analysis of the Biolog system will be completely clean and will not operate any function on that character.
– When you try to send an object, but you do not have the required level for that analysis.
– When the time has not expired and you can not do that.
– The waiting time will decrease an analysis putty that you are not online in the game, it will fall further as long as the server is online.
– All data packets that are sent to the server client are in very stable performance.
– All information and settings for each party are biologists from the file server biologDefines.h, nothing is customer configurable from translations or whatever.
From the error, messages, images, texts, everything are configurable values of that file from the source, and very easy to use because everything is explained.
– All initial settings are like official ex: Count of object maxim, Time, Reward’s bonus, Reward’s item’s. ( all is configurable very easy, and you can change all very simple bonuses,time, messages etc. )
– All objects you can and drop the official, chance can change very easily.
Notice when time expired of analyzing:
In this window you can see the following things:
– During an analysis biologist does, game system will notify you in real-time saying that time has elapsed and you can send an object to the destination.
– Notification can not be closed, it will be valid only slightly on the screen for 10 seconds, and it will be just informative.
Information about rewards, when you finish one analysis:
When you’re done any analysis of a degree of biologist you will see a popup window that will be open 15 seconds on the screen.
In this window you can see the following things:
– Name of the extent of the analysis that you have done.
– Name of the bonus you received.
– The bonus amount you received.
– The object that you have received.
Select rewards for biology 92 and 94:
You need to select what reward you want.
Your box will appear when you’ll end the category.
When you press the button to accept a box will appear if you are sure you want to accept that bonus or not, if not press box will give you the opportunity to choose another bonus.
Do not worry if you hold X on the box and closed because we did a check within the server as when you finished that class and do not have accepted the reward at that time, the system will automatically detect this, and when you will reopen this box select prize when you will teleport/change character, etc.
There can be no bug in the selection of awards.
Researcher’s elixir:
Increases the likelihood that items gathered to be accepted.
The current probability chance without a potion is 60%.
Chance with an elixir is 90% as per the official.
When you own an elixir inventory is checked automatically sending your analysis and you being removed from inventory and the chance you automatically increase to 90%.
Increases the likelihood that items gathered to be accepted.
You can put it where you want for obtaining that.
Researcher’s Elixir
Increases quality of items for research increasing the probability of delivering them with success.
Without elixir active -> Chance is 60% for success
With elixir active -> Chance is 90% for success