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  /    /  GM Tools, Player tools  /  TICKET SYSTEM



Players can create tickets to be answered by staff members.

Each ticket will have a unique id generated.

There are 3 types of priority: Low, Medium, Hard.

A member of staff can not create a ticket.

When you click on the title of the ticket or ID’s you will open a new page where there have other accesses such as: – Ban / Unban | Close ticket / Open  ticket


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  • Players can create tickets to be answered by staff members.
  • Each ticket will have a unique id generated.
  • The title’s length must not exceed 32 characters.
  • Description length should not exceed 450 characters.
  • There are 3 types of priority: Low, Medium, Hard. You can choose the type of priority of the ticket so that will be of greater importance for staff members when responding to tickets since they will seek the tickets with the highest priority, which means that the problem requires solving faster.
  • If you had a problem in describing the content there is a reset button, with which you will remove the text that you have written and if you want to send the ticket simply press the button to submit.
  • You can create a ticket once every hour, time is running in real-time, doesn’t have to be an active account. (can change from config)
  • A member of staff can not create a ticket.
  • In this window you can see the last 20 tickets created sorted by most recent date, it will sort the last 200 tickets paired in the 10 pages, which means 20 tickets on a page.
  • Create window has a slider that can hide or show.
  • When you will move the cursor on the title or ticket id and press on it, a new page will be open with all information about each ticket.

  • Description content reply should not exceed 200 characters.
  • In this window, you can see the last 40 answers of the ticket sorted from the newest depending on the time, so the latest will be sorted on the front pages.
  • On the right, you can see the title of the ticket and other information about it, what content you created the problem with, date, current status, etc.
  • The answers will be shown as well: From you or a member of staff but also the time and date it/you answered.
  • You can not reply to a ticket when it is closed.
  • There are 10 pages of logs from the last reply sites, where are 4 included on each page.
  • You can write an answer for a ticket once every 10 minutes.
  • You can not reply to a ticket if not passed 10 minutes from the last action.

Staff members:

You’re probably wondering what this does? Let me explain:

  • When you select one of those filters of sorting, you click on the button to open your page, they will be selected from the database with the tickets with the following tasks you have selected, as an example:

  • The list of accesses to the staff members that want to gain access to the administration area can be set up easily from a list.
  • There are available for viewing the last 10,000 tickets.
  • 500 pages each with 20 tickets on a page.
  • Like in the first picture when you click on the title of the ticket or ID’s you will open a new page where there have other accesses such as:
  • – Ban / Unban | Close ticket / Open  ticket

As you can see a new window on the right appeared, which is available only to staff members that are registered, there is information as the player’s name that created the ticket and actions that can be executed on the player and on the respective ID of the ticket itself.

[*] Ban user:

If already is blocked.

  • When the user is blocked it is not locked on the character that created the ticket but the whole account, which means you will not be able to use the ticket system either from the other characters.
  • When the account is blocked he can not do anything, can not open any window, and execute anything with any exploits.
  • The following message will appear when the user’s trying to do an action or open a ticket window.

A message is displayed for each character on that account.

[*] Unban user:

If is not banned.

[*] Open ticket:

If it already has open status.

[*] Close ticket:

If it already has closed status.

Other general information:

  • Staff members can answer any ticket without a waiting period.
  • All the action is in real-time.
  • There is no way to exploit any part of a player nor from a member of staff, there are security checks for any possible method.
  • All translation is made from a special table that can be configured very easily because there are indications of what each does.
  • There is no problem of harm to a server or database.
  • Each action is executed effectively and there is no need to wait some time for loading of logs or anything else, especially for staff members when executing over 10,000 tickets and everything works flawlessly to second.
  • The whole system works with data packets that are sent from client to server and vice versa, it’s highly optimized code.
  • Configurations for waiting time and the rest can be easily changed from the configuration table with directions to any person.
  • It can make any changes at the request of each customer if they want to add or remove anything.
  • Everything is written in C ++ (Client / Server) and Python.
  • Date and time are taken in real-time server, you must have time to FreeBSD updated in real-time, it can test the console ssh “date”. How to change date and Timezone
  • It is compatible with any version of the source.

It can be adapted for a Php script very easily for both users and administrators to do all the action on the website or a mobile phone.
This will be very useful for players who matter and outside the server as problems with the website, Autopatcher, etc.

I can say one thing, this system will not be for sale for all people, I reserve my right to choose clients.

Good news for p-servers and owners!
In the last years, over one hundred people asked me if they can hire me to be their developer and I refused them because I was really busy, mostly with my university, full-time job, and other activities.
Now, after over 10 years of activity in metin2 and over 4 years in companies as a Software Developer and recently advanced to Senior, I managed to organize my time and tasks really efficiently, and I'm pleased to announce that:

Since today, I'll give the chance to owners to hire me!

My defining characteristics:

  • Mainly focused on Python and C/C++ with years of real experience, but I can code in multiple languages.
  • Excellent communication skills and a good understanding of problems and requirements, with the ability to work as part of a diverse team.
  • Ability to manage and plan in a fast-paced, team-focused environment, ability to manage time effectively and prioritize tasks.
  • Flexible and resilient when it comes to stressful situations.
  • Detail-oriented, organized, meticulous, and able to work at a fact-pace with tight deadlines.
  • For more information related to my educational and professional experience, you can find them here (click).

You must have (a few steps can be done together later):

  • good english skills for communicating with voice and text
  • an application for project management like Trello, Jira, Azure DevOps, YouTrack, that will boost productivity
  • minimum knowledge-based on talking technical, expressing with clear words what you need, describing the tasks with information like scenarios, attaching photos, drawing different things for structures when it's related to a complex thing, and more
  • GIT repository with your files
  • Microsoft Teams for team meetings, they will be scheduled inside that app, there you have a calendar, activities, and a lot of stuff for boosting productivity, everything will be scheduled based on our time, excluding the urgent situations
  • you must be a friendly, patient person and understand the principle of my personal life as well.

Payment (the conditions are customizable for each person):

  • The owner must have its own budget because it will be a fixed monthly salary.
  • The payment will be done through my company, you'll receive an invoice for each payment.

For more information, contact me: https://core-projects.dev/contact-me/

Please don't contact me just for information if you're not sure what you want to do and you're not prepared for this.